Pet Boarding & Daycare
Boarding in Lakeland, FL
If you are going out of town, board your pet at Edgewood Animal Clinic. We offer an assortment of sizes in cages from small and secure feeling to long and roomy for comfort and exercise. We normally utilize our large kennel runs for pets when available. Chain link doors allow pets to see each other if other family pets are present.
Secure closures with daily fresh water, morning and afternoon feeding and clean , comfortable bedding allows your pet to be safely kenneled and cared for. We prefer to use our bedding which ranges from fleece to soft sheets and blankets. This avoids damage from bleach or lost identity tags. You are welcome to bring toys from home to encourage play and familiarity.
All pets are under supervision by kennel technicians who spend time outdoors with each pet separately to allow exercise, elimination and play. The yard is enclosed by secure six foot privacy and chain link with barrier perception fences. Yard maintenance is performed daily for cleanliness and security.
Attentive Care
Hills Science Diet Sensitive Stomach is fed unless other arrangements have been made. All medications, feedings and eliminations are recorded daily.
Sound shields are used to lessen the degree of noise and intercom music is continuously played softly at night. Skylights allow pets to have moonlit evenings when clinic is closed therefore never in complete darkness.
We welcome any and all visitors to tour our kennel facility. Because of limited space, we only kennel our clients’ pets. Each pet must be current on required vaccinations and free of internal and external parasites. We always welcome new clients and patients to our facility. An exam will be performed on new pets to establish a client / patient relationship with Dr. Lee.
Complimentary bathing is done when pets are with us a week or more or have soiled themselves while here. Our boarders go home smelling better than when they arrived!